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"I have had the honor and privilege of working with Valarie for more than 7 years. Not only has she taught me so much about my body, but she has also helped me connect it to my mind and soul in a holistic manner.   Our work has become a true part of my life and a practice that helps me stay centered, grounded and most of all calm."

Amy Bloustine

"The key to Valarie’s diverse arsenal of ministrations is Heads On.  She brings a remarkable range of studied experience coupled with Sherlockian perceptions of her patients’ current conditions and long term needs to each session with each client.  The result is targeted, caring and healing work."

Jason McManus

"Valarie's practice is unique... it offers an intense, challenging and very specific work-out combined with an inspired guided meditation.  Through my sustained concentration on her detailed, image-driven instructions, I emerge from our time on the mat refreshed, focused and relaxed.  I've come to rely on her practice for maintaining my strength, flexibility- and peace of mind!"

Jane Blumberg

"Valarie is a healer.  She has helped me through multiple physical and spiritual struggles in the last five years.  She facilitates long-lasting changes in our bodies, beliefs, and attitudes.  She empowers her students by helping them physically, mentally, emotionally and connecting those things together in each of us.  I take what we practice on the mat into my daily life, and I feel like a calmer, healthier, more thoughtful, happier person because of it."

Amy Quanbeck

"Valarie is an amazing, perceptive teacher.  She has evolved her practice to an intense combination of relaxed exercise and introspective motivational riffing that needs to be experienced to be understood. Her unique thematic discussions link physical exercises to the brain, and connect the challenges that show up in the practice to broader patterns of everyday life behavior, with strategies and solutions to adapt."

John Santoleri

In my work with Valarie I have learned to tune into my body and listen to my inner voice; it is there that I hold my wisdom.  Our sessions helped me identify where I need to nurture myself in order to grow.  I have become strong enough to move forward on my path with an ability to be grounded in my body and live my best life.  The greatest gift has been learning to trust myself. I have realized that a healer is not someone you go to for healing, but someone who helps you discover your own ability to heal yourself.

Jennifer Hamilton

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Photography by Nisa Ojalvo

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